Tag Archives: journey

The Pot of Gold….

…..at the end of the rainbow.   Tell me, you haven’t dreamed of finding the pot of gold.  The gift of a long journey to somewhere in never never land (oops – wrong story!). This morning I was gifted by the skies with a large incredibly beautiful full rainbow to the west.  I was sitting outside… Continue Reading

Conflict and Resolution

What happens when one decides that she has the balls to go on a journey of a lifetime?   Well….first thing….they (me) crack wide open.  Like WAAAAAYYY deep. And “things” start coming up.  Like “things” that you realize don’t belong in your life.   It’s scary, and exhilarating all at the same time….   I painted, which is… Continue Reading

Let it go

I am getting ready to go on a shamanic journey…..one that I have wanted to go on for a long time, and had scheduled two years ago, but then I cut my tendon and had to have surgery…   Sooooo….obviously it wasn’t time. But, what, is my intention for this journey?   Why is it so important… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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