Category Archives: Artistic Musings


Everything you were looking for, was right there with you all along.
Everything you were looking for, was     right there with you all along.

I LOVE when GUS brings confirmation that I am on the right path.  I ask my guides so much, that they must think by now, that I am a total Doubting Thomas, (and, I guess, in a way, I am) except, they continue to provide me with tidbits of information that tell me so….So, there is still that.

Yesterday’s painting was no exception.

I started the way that I usually do.  I light sage to cleanse my space, and ask that the message and images come through me.  As the painting started to develop it took on a Wizard of Oz sort of theme.  My head got in the way (which is NOT unusual), and I asked again for confirmation that what I was painting was meant to be.

And then, I took a break. Waiting for answers.

I didn’t have to wait long.

I was messaging with a friend and I was nudged to send a picture of what I was painting…..She told me that she had just been walking around in her downtown area, and her public library was having an exhibit of the Wizard of Oz…Okay, GUS, I’m starting to get the picture.

And then, an email from out of the blue, because, of course, I was also questioning if I am doing what I am “supposed” to be doing.  “Love Your Art !
Your Creations feel like you are painting Energy. I am a Lightworker (An Intuitive , Empath,) Also an Artist, (Performed As Queen Shamee The Faerie, I create Art Quilts, Dog Sculptures, I Draw Design Anything., I am studying The Sophia Code. I live in Omaha Nebraska ! Just wanted to say Hi!
Love The Goofy smile you made in the Photo . Sending Love,Light & Joy”
Okay dokey, GUS, I’m listening.

The energies have been challenging lately.  Lots of questioning about whys, whats, and WTF’s.  And, the answer that seems to be standard is “You don’t love yourself enough yet!”  Along with, “Stop looking outside, because your answers are within.”

Can it really be THAT easy?  Do “I” really hold to key to all of my challenges?

Seems I do….because, after quite a bit of meditative time….this is what “they” told me the title of the painting was….EVERYTHING YOU WERE LOOKING FOR, WAS RIGHT THERE WITH YOU ALL ALONG!!!

Lord God, I am hard on myself.   I would NEVER treat anyone the way I treat myself.  Consistently, but not all of the time, I beat myself up, for things I said or didn’t do “right”, when I would forgive someone else for doing the same thing.

This painting is clearly a message to all of us that the answers to all of our questions lie within us.  That our hearts know the way.  That love is really the answer.


Much Love,


It’s a Wonderful (and Magical) Life

Do you want to hear a MAGICAL story?  I love sharing stories that are full of divine intervention from GUS (God, Universe, Spirit).

I’ve realized that I need to start putting myself “out there” more, as I am truly an introvert, and prefer my pj’s to clothes and slippers to shoes….don’t even get me started on wearing a bra!!!

I have made an amazing new friend who is an incredibly talented floral artist (not designer – but a true floral artist!), who is so much like me it is almost uncanny.   Putting herself “out there” is equally as hard for her.  She called me the other day and asked me if I might want to go to a Kiss the Pig event to raise money for Diabetes research….All I would have to do is donate a painting….she made a quick phone call, and it was ON like Donkey Kong!   Turns out one of the people hosting the event was someone that I had met.  He loved my work, and was excited that I wanted to donate.

I have had a flu, and that day was a particularly draining day for me.  I was talking with a friend, and she suggested that I should probably self-care and stay home – I was adamant that self-care for myself was going to the event.  It was NOT an option to stay home.  Little did I know what would transpire.

One of my fantasy dreams is to paint onstage with the Philharmonic – call it visions of grandeur – but, none-the-less, a dream of mine.  One that I had tucked very far, far away… hidden, that honestly, I had forgotten about it.

It just so happened, that the man hosting the event, was/is the Executive Director of the Philharmonic.


While talking with my friend and this gentleman, all of a sudden, from out of nowhere, and as if I was being pushed by an ornery guide of mine – these words were out of my mouth before I could catch them….”I’ve always had a dream of painting onstage with the Philharmonic!”   Oh. Holy. Shit.   My friend’s jaw dropped….I think I turned 1000 shades of red.  This wonderful man looked me dead in the eye, with a sense of amazement and said, “I’ve been trying to make that happen for ages!  YES!!!”  I told him that quite honestly, it was such a fantasy that I had only told a couple of people about it…  His reply was priceless….”But, you’ve never told anyone that can MAKE it happen, have you???!!!”   No, I guess I hadn’t.


It looks like in the near-ish future, I will be painting at Crystal Bridges with the Philharmonic.

Pinch me.

May we walk together as one.

Blessings y’all.


What if…..

I want to play a game….A game called “What If”.  I just recently finished a series on Netflix called Travelers…For those of you who have seen it, you know there was a HUGE cliffhanger.  For those of you who don’t know anything about the series…the cliff notes are that people “traveled” from the future, to… Continue Reading

Not even my family, nor my closest friends know….

…..the extent of my depression.  Because, I cover it up.  Sometimes, I cover it up well, sometimes, not so much.  It’s debilitating at times, and at other times, it’s manageable.  But, it is always present.  Even as a small child, and young adult, I remember wanting to not be here.  Lately, though, it has been… Continue Reading

What is a “Mentor”?

A “mentor” or mentoring is described as: Mentoring consists of a long-term relationship focused on supporting the growth and development of the mentee. The mentor becomes a source of wisdom, teaching, and support, but not someone who observes and advises on specific actions or behavioral changes in daily work. Notice I put “mentor” in quotes….Something… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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