Tag Archives: Santana





Wow.  WOW…. WOW!!!!!

I went to his concert last night here in Northwest Arkansas.   I’ve been to several concerts over my lifetime (Billy Joel, Seals and Crofts, AC/DC, Barry Manilow, Amy Grant, Lionel Richie, Neal Sedaka…obviously you know what kind of music “I” listened to while growing up – AC/DC was my “wild phase”!)….but I have never been as moved by a concert ever in my life.

His energy and the energy on stage was incredible.   Maybe, it’s just because I had been dating a musician and have a new appreciation for the guitar.  Or, maybe, just maybe, it was something altogether different.

I have realized so much since I have dated a musician.   I love going to watch him play, even now that we aren’t dating, because I love watching him connect to his higher self.  It’s like he is channeling something from above.   To watch a musician play, while they are completely lost in their music, is like watching heaven on earth.   I believe we are all drawn to music, art, books, etc. etc. because it is when the creative is connected to their “god-source”…the universe….what ever you believe in.  It’s the same when I paint.  I know when I am connected to my higher self…because I lose track of time…I forget to eat…and frequently forget what day it is.  It’s hard to put into words what the feeling is….but, it is nirvana.

Carlos put it into words last night…..he shared….he shared about his beliefs about what will change the world.  He talked of fear, and how debilitating it is. (Of course I am paraphrasing here – because I was so lost in the moment of the creation.)   And, he spoke of love…a higher love…a love that knows no boundaries, no fear, no hatred and no judgement.

I was sobbing.

It was something that I have been thinking about writing for quite a while now….and last night was the climax.

I think many people are desiring to connect to that space right now….that place of love….that place of acceptance…that place of nirvana.

I notice more and more people writing, singing, dancing, painting, playing music, cooking…whatever it is that brings them pleasure.   I think we are tired of following the “rules”.  The “supposed-to’s”.  The “shoulds”.

We are told to be individuals, and yet, we are taught we must fit in and follow what society thinks we “should” do.

Someone called me a rule-breaker the other day….I immediately responded…no…I’m more of a rule-maker…but not for others.   For myself.

Thank you Carlos Santana…for following YOUR rules.   For sharing YOUR gift.  Because you do – others are given permission.

You don’t have to be “famous” to follow your rules…or what makes you happy.  You don’t have to “fit” into the round hole.

Do what it is that connects YOU to your higher self….because in doing so…you change the world….

Much love always,


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