Tag Archives: visionary

Is “reality” real?

Powerful (20 x 20)

Big question that friends and I have been throwing around lately.

What exactly IS “reality”?

According to Wiki this is what “reality” is:  Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.[1] Reality includes everything that is and has been, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible. A still broader definition includes that which has existed, exists, or will exist.


What is reality to me, is not necessarily reality to another.   For instance, I believe that I can create my own reality.  My reality is that I am a visionary, intuitive artist and writer who came here to quite simply, well, for the sake of simplicity, be me.  Follow my intuition.  Write and paint things that make you think.  Plant seeds of consciousness. I’m a seeker – of wisdom, knowledge and unseen truths.

HOWEVER…..this may be quite different or uncomfortable for someone else….they may want to follow rather than lead….and judge those who don’t believe as they do.  To make others fit into their parameters of “reality”.  I wonder why, as humans, we do this?  (I have my theories, but, I would be interested to know your opinions!!)

There is a price, however, to conscious decisions, and you may have to deal with losing those people, places and things that no longer fit your reality.


For example, I lost a gallery, (disclaimer – I was ready to leave anyway, because of – well – a wide variety of reasons!) because during a five minute interview on television, while I was doing a demo about my upcoming show Spiritual Journey, the interviewer kept asking (several times) what a “spiritual journey” meant to me, (Mind you, I was trying to paint!), I blurted out the only thing that came to mind – “I don’t believe in God – instead I believe we ARE God!”.  My gallery owner used that as a reason to “part ways” because she said, “after all, it was a Spiritual Journey show”, and I said “EXACTLY!”

Our realities clearly were not the same!!!

Good news is that this gallery clearly did and does not fit who I am.

Did I have to deal with consequences of my words – yup – but, it’s all a part of the journey.



Will I have to adjust my reality?  Of course – but, I believe that everything happens for a reason.

Why is it that so many of us use the excuse that “they aren’t grounded in reality” to say adios to people?  Instead of asking questions?  Getting to know the person, rather than making judgments?  Opening one’s mind to possibilities rather than following the M”asses”?

You all know people on social media who are miserable and post about all of their victim issues.  And, guess what they continue to receive???   DUH!!!

Change perception.  Change reality.  Look for the silver lining rather than all of the Debbie Downer stuff!!!


May We Walk Together as One.

Here’s to the game changers!




A$$hole comment….

Yada, Yada, Yada (24 x 24)….and I knew it.  It hit a deep wound.  And I knew it.  I responded, even though I knew exactly what was going on.  I couldn’t help myself.

I have a new soft shell (I’m a Cancer) that I have recently grown.  I’m vulnerable – hell, we all are – when we are trying on something new and stepping into who we are.  It takes a SHIT TON of courage to do this work.  I’m not just speaking for myself, I’m saying this for all of us!

And, I know anytime that we choose to put our authentic selves out there that it’s risky.  We open ourselves up to criticism, and we know it’s coming, but we do it anyway.  BECAUSE WE HAVE TO.

I can’t speak for others, but, I think I can give a voice to artists…at least those who are going outside of their comfort zone, and being authentic to who they are, and painting what their soul is begging them to paint.

As an artist, what we paint – for the most part – is who we are.  It’s our emotional being on canvas.  It’s our soul expressing itself.  It’s very difficult to separate who we are from what we do.   I think that most artists feel this way.

I have a pretty tough shell when it comes to constructive criticism….like – you need more darks, more contrast, the composition is a bit wonky, etc etc.  I actually welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.  I always open to learning.  As most of us are.

But I am not open to this:  “This painting is awful.  It looks like Dolly Parton on a bad hair day on drugs.”

And then he went on to compare me to James Bama, who is a great, VERY traditional artist, and does not paint in my style at all.   He paints the seen.  I paint the unseen.  The visions, the messages.

There is no comparing.

He couldn’t paint what I paint…but, I can still paint traditionally.

I responded and first of all said – “Thank God, not all of us like the same art. And I’m grateful that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

And then, a reaction, “Didn’t your mother teach you if you couldn’t say anything nice, then say nothing at all?”

He continued….with a lot more condescending rhetoric….that pushed every single button, all my wounding, all my doubts and fears.

Delete and ban.

I’m not sharing this with you for you to get on the “f*** him” bandwagon.

I’m sharing it, because we can choose to allow it to affect us, or we can delete and ban. It happens to all of us who are stepping up and into who we are.  Our intuition is strong.  Our desire to be ourselves is strong.  Our passion about our paths is even stronger.

I don’t know this man…but, I suspect that he is unhappy.  And that is not my problem.  I can choose to let him affect me (and, I have got to admit – it did – a bit more than a bit), or I can know that I am just not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea.

Still learning those never ending lessons….as you know….they keep circling around (and give me GREAT blog fodder!!)

May we walk together as one


PS…I’ll bet he hates Georgia and Jackson too…#just sayin




About Paula
Raven Shaman
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