I just got back from another pretty intense shamanic journey….I started down the dark, scary path that I went on the last night of my first journey….and I stopped! Dead in my tracks.
Hadn’t I been down this road of darkness, and despair already once?
Hadn’t I wondered already once if I was going to make it?
Hadn’t I been allowed, already, to see a hell of my own making, and realized it was just an illusion?
And, in that instant, everything shifted.
I was given visions….visions of many, many connected BEings of light.
Make it big…was what I heard.
Make it powerful.
Share what I am telling you.
ok…here goes, although I know more of the message will be revealed in the future.
I – we – have all relived our darkness. We have all gone back to the past and beat ourselves up for all of the “bad” things we have done. We have “regrets”, we have “should’s or should not’s”. Etc. Etc.
There is probably not a person alive who wishes things would have, or could have been different.
But they weren’t and they aren’t.
It’s the past. Yes, it has shaped the way you think about things now, or how you react in certain situations, who you choose to date (or not date). You get the picture….
However, it’s not who you or I are now.
We are here to move past the darkness, the scary, the fears, the unknowns, and to walk into the light, to BE light.
Isn’t it amazing and comforting to know there are so many others with us.
That each and every one of us who commit to making this world a better place are not alone.
That we aren’t the only ones.
That eventually we believe that the power of love will indeed heal the world?
That we are here to help others? To live in a place of total acceptance of all?
Aren’t we fortunate and blessed beyond imagination that we know we purposely CHOSE this lifetime, these experiences, and fear is just an illusion (although sometimes a damn POWERFUL one!)?
I’m a Pollyanna…I know it. I live it, and breath it. Not all the time, because I am human, but, when I find myself falling down that path of despair, I think of the illusion of my own hell. And realize I have been there before. It’s my decision to come out or waller more.
I kinda like this vision and message I recieved…all connected, helping one another, having angels amongst us, brightening up this world.
Who ever brought me the message, must be a Pollyanna too….just sayin’.
What a wonderful world we live in and chose to co-create.
I totally agree with EVERYTHING you have said. We are on the same spiritual journey.
Awe… we are NEVER alone….
Wow Paula, I love this. You write as beautifully as you paint. I’m so proud of you. Love you, Cathy
Thanks Cathy…. I love that you love what I do… makes me happy. I love you too
I believe this so strongly and am in a similar place. I am learning to not ruminate the “should haves, etc…” I mean, who knows if the journey would have been altered anyway?
I believe we are here to learn, to love. Your beings of light are beautiful! Also, I just want to thank you again for your incredible gift… my beautiful being is framed and hanging and just stunning!!!
i have followed your life’s journey and spiritual art work for many years now my friend only to find it more and more inspiring.
One day I know we will meet in person.
I would love to know what the price of above painting? It really speaks to me–I’ve just loved it every time I see it on face book!
The We are Light painting? It doesn’t tell me which painting when it comes through my web site… LOL Thank you!!!! It is a 36 x 60 painting…$3250.00.