Category Archives: Artistic Musings

Why am I having a sale?

I realize how unconventional having a sale is.   I also know that many will have their opinions about this.  And, quite frankly, I have weighed all of the options. I am a self supporting professional artist….which means, my only income is from the sales of my art.  I absolutely feel very blessed to have been… Continue Reading

Is “reality” real?

Big question that friends and I have been throwing around lately. What exactly IS “reality”? According to Wiki this is what “reality” is:  Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.[1] Reality includes everything that is and has been, whether or not it… Continue Reading


I think that, for the most part right now….(and I’m NOT speaking for everyone), we are disconnect-ed.  We have grown up thinking and being taught one way, and yet, our intuition, our heart, is saying another.   Or it is a combination of the two – or a HUGE internal battle. I’m only speaking for myself… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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