I just spent the most wonderful week with many, many family and friends…..and was able to share with my nieces and nephews (and brother/brother-in-law/and sister) some of my fun, funky metaphors that I use to explain some of my new-found and deeply rooted-in beliefs. It’s been a long time since I have seen my family. I’m not the same person I was then, and I knew there would be many questions.
Of course, the majority of the questions came from the young – and so I chose my words carefully….
“Aunt Polly – tell me about the earth.” Hmmmm…. How to explain to a 12 year old my knowing that Mother Earth/Gaia is a living being? “Well….do you know what Buster is like when he has fleas?” Really Paula, do you think this is going to work? “The flea only knows that he eats, and lives on the dog. The flea doesn’t know that he is hurting the dog.” Okay, maybe this will be good….and maybe not. “And, the dog gets irritated because the flea makes him uncomfortable, so he scratches and bites and tries to rid himself of the irritation – trying to make himself feel normal again.” I like where this is headed. “So too, Mother Earth is a living being a sentient being – think of her as the dog – and think of us as the fleas (not too far off). She is trying to correct herself – not punish us – just correct herself and rid herself of the irritation.” Ahhhhhhh……I see a light in Cassey’s eyes……perfect. “So, Aunt Polly – we need to be good to her, don’t we?” “Yes Cassey, yes we do.”
The door is opening – this journey is wonderful – and I am blessed. Truly Blessed – they still love me.
Well done!!