And why do I think he is so dang important???
There is something that continually comes up for me with the work that I do. I tend to be a bit edgy, and don’t believe everything I was taught as a child and younger adult.
My life started changing when I started listening to Abraham-Hicks – and realizing that there was much more to life than I “knew” growing up.
I became a major seeker…for MY truth. For what felt right to me.
One of the things that I discovered was that I didn’t necessarily believe in God as a separate entity. I found that I believed that we were the higher power. Our higher consciousness.
What I believe is not so different in what many others believe. We all refer to it in different ways. Some call it God. Some call it the Universe. And some allude to it as Spirit.
GUS was born, basically because I’m lazy and got tired of writing God Universe Spirit, so I made an acronym.
I feel like we all, for the most part, believe in something that we can’t prove. It’s called faith. That with prayer, positive thinking, or repeating positive mantras we can create our own reality.
Even though this is MY belief, I feel it is important to honor and respect every way of thinking. After all, isn’t that what makes the world so wonderful? If we were all alike, it would be so damn boring!!! It’s our uniqueness that makes the world go around. It’s following our passion, and being authentic to who we are that brings in new ways of thinking.
What I DON’T understand are those that are so closed minded that they want us all to think alike and condemn those who do not believe as they do.
We came here to be uniquely us. To learn how to love one another and to celebrate differences. To open up our minds and our hearts. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We agreed to do this. We are the lucky ones. The ones who get to feel emotion…touch….and love…
Now is the time for those of us who are on a spiritual path to speak up. You never know when a seed that you plant will take root. Have no attachment….no judgement….and know that everything is exactly as it should be.
May We Walk Together As One