Tag Archives: intuitive

Conflict, Boundaries and Guilt

Be Someone's Light (24 x 24)God, I used to hate conflict…boundary was not in my vocabulary….and NO ONE was better at guilting themselves than I was.  I was the Queen.

But, something happened this last year on my journey.   I kept attracting the same sort of people.  Victim-ish and vampirish.  AND, as you know, that means there were lessons there, once I became aware.  Mirror lessons.  Painful (but much needed) to see when I knew that I had exhibited that sort of behavior.

When I initially became aware of why the victim behavior affected me so much – I took it upon myself to write an insightful email to a friend who showed the same signs that I had – gently and carefully pointing out that I saw in her the same way of self-sabotaging herself that I had done in the past.  I loved her, a lot, and did not want to completely disengage from our relationship – which would have been the way I would have handled it in the past.

I set a gentle boundary – something that was very uncomfortable for me to do – after having grown up in a family where boundary was a four letter word.

I did it because her behavior made me uneasy when I realized it was a deep pattern of mine – and I couldn’t stomach being faced with my own darkness.

It was essential that I started owning my own shit, so I started working with someone who could help me change those patterns.

Fast forward a few months…

Rinse and repeat.




This time, the boundary was not so gentle.

I saw my darkness clearly, and needed distance, to not allow myself to fall back into that old way of thinking and interacting.

When one sets boundaries, there seems to be a bit of guilt (old patterning) attached to it.  As well as gaslighting oneself.  I went back and read all of my old emails to see if there was any “mean” in them.  Nope – only love and compassion – something that I would have like to have received from someone to help me in my past.

The final straw came….and a decision had to made.  Did I love myself enough to cut the person out of my life to protect my newly forming patterns?

Oh Lord – talk about a difficult decision.

Yes….was the intuitive answer.

I felt good.  Amazing, actually.

Enter in monkey mind with old programming.

I started feeling guilty….and when I worked through that, and the guilt left….I felt guilty for not feeling guilty.

It’s ok to put up boundaries, and take care of oneself.

In fact, it is essential.

Repeat after me


We are taught that they are bad.  We are taught to allow others to walk all over us.  Women, especially, are taught to be nice.  Don’t speak up.  Be the good girl.

But, I have to tell you….I do feel good…a bit sad for the loss of the friendship….but, pretty good overall.

May we walk together as one.


I’ve been really afraid…

ahigherpower…..to be who I am for the majority of my life, because I’ve always worried about what other people thought.   Okay, not totally true, because I remember as a small child being happy being outside in my Grandparents magical cedar forest complete with fairies, and leprechauns, and such – I kid you not!!!  I didn’t care what ANYONE thought then!!!

And, I’m finally getting back to that place again.

I’m a visionary artist.  At first, I really tried to “fit in”, (just like I used to want to “fit in” constantly in junior high, high school, college, marriage…yada, yada, yada!), and paint more traditional subjects…..and I did, but, I never really felt like me.

It’s been a journey.

When I first started painting “beings”, I only shared them with people I knew would “get it”.  I slowly started sharing them with others.

Then, the messages started.

And, “I” went on an adventure in Chloe (Fifth-Wheel).

One thing I learned while on my adventure is that I need to be true to me.  Me, and only me.   I’m the only one that I have to “make” happy.   Me.  Everyone else is responsible for their own happiness.  I found that it was very important to me to be completely from my integrity.


I’m not a traditional artist.

At all.

That became VERY clear to me yesterday when I painted the painting above and then the message came through….on this the day of a bit of uncertainty…..

A Higher Power
Yesterday I was called to create…and this one has a strong message. 
Remember, when you go into fear, there is a higher power at work. 
The scales are being balanced. 
It is our job to hold the light.  
To remember that we are surrounded by angels.
To be love. 
To be that voice of reason. 
To be that voice of love. 
May we walk together as one.

I know that there are many of you who are afraid to be who you are also.   We’ve all been taught to “fit in”.  They tell us they want us to be individuals, and yet, when we non-conform, we are either made fun of or reprimanded.   It’s no wonder so many of us struggle with who we are.

I, for one, am finding that it is easier to just be who I am, rather than keep trying to fit into that square hole…

Here is my “I am” statement (the very, very short version)….

I am a visionary intuitive artist.  I receive messages about what to paint, sometimes, and, sometimes the paintings just flow with the messages revealed while the layers mingle.  I believe we were sent here to find our way back to love.  Acceptance.  Compassion.  I am a Pollyanna.  And, a channel, an empath, psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive woman who has been given the gifts of transparency, determination (Thanks, Mom!), and creativeness.  It is up to ME to utilize these gifts in the way that Earth Maker, God, Creator, Spirit, or whatever the heck you believe in….intended.  To do anything less would be a sin.

Now….who are you????

May we walk together as one.



Becoming Visible

I cried when I painted this.  Actually, that is a lie….I sobbed.   She may or may not be a “work of art”, but, her message to me, and to others is powerful. She appears to be taking shape.  Slowly.  Through the mist she is gradually appearing.  She is finding herself.  Becoming herself.  Allowing others to… Continue Reading

The Blues

They come.  They go.  The blues.  Sometime with varying degrees of intensity.   I know that it’s normal.   I used to RUN away from the blues.  Or waller in it.  All great techniques of avoidance. I’ve learned more about myself in the past month, because I have chosen consciously to face myself.   My demons.  My little… Continue Reading

I’m Coming Out…. Spiritually

….as a spiritual being having a human experience.  A lightworker Full-blown woo-woo.  Airy fairy. A spiritual warrior. A believer in metaphysics.  As one who believes that positive thinking and love can change the world.  Yup…there ya have it.   It’s my confession of the day.  Actually, it’s the confession of my life. It’s scary.  And exciting. … Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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