…..Have to teach one about a spiritual path??? (Or, Lessons from the Rig!)
I SWEAR, sometimes, my ideas and AHA moments come from the strangest places!
So, for those of you who don’t know, I purchased a used “rig”. Blanca Badass (truck) and Chloe (Fifth-Wheel Camper), and I am on my virgin journey in Gallup, NM. Why??? If you can tell me then we will BOTH know…all I can tell you is that my intuition told me to. I’ve rearranged the “dining room” to be my studio, and the majority of my storage is art supplies….kinda like home!!!
And, after two weeks here….(because of a mentor who has been “helping” me to dig – not a bad thing), the painting ideas stopped. I was on a heavy duty roll, and then BAM!!! Done!
I’ve been wanting (and Chloe was asking ) to make her a tad bit more feminine. Ok….a hell of a LOT more feminine. Lots of wood in here….and your typical RV bedspread, border, and leaf valances. So, after a quick (translation – not really quick) trip to Walmart and to Home Depot AND a marvelous conversation with a dear friend about how to refinish some of the wood to make it more – well – artistic….I started painting.
No furniture yet – still a bit too much fear there.
I changed my headboard to a soothing corally pinkish (can you tell I’m an artist???) patterned fabric that makes me smile.
Then, I decided (because one thing leads to another – and I’m procrastinating looking at what I need to look at – of course, no one else EVER does this, DO THEY???), to strip the border. It was ugly. To me. And looked too planned. And, I like surprises.
Piece of cake, right????
After years of flipping homes and having a design business, I have the art of wallpaper stripping down to a fine art.
Or so I thought.
I started.
One painstakingly small piece after another. Fingernail size. I kid you not. What the heck do they use to glue this god-awful border down????
Then the parts that came off whole (I’m talking a 3 x 6 inch piece here guys!), took all of my weight.
AND THE GLUE!!!! Not even goo gone would touch it. I ended up sanding (and sanding, and sanding) to remove the rest of the stubborn stuff.
And while I was doing it – of course – (mostly because I wanted to scream), the AHA’s started coming.
First of all, I assumed that it would be easy peasy.
Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations that we ASSUME will turn out a certain way (because of previous and lengthy experience)….AND, they don’t. Always a curve ball up someone’s sleeve.
Then, when you make up your mind to tackle it a certain way, there are many obstacles in your path. This will NOT be easy – your intuition tells you, but you have already started it and it needs to be finished. (Just like walking through your darkness – you can’t just stop in the middle). You will have to approach it one way, and then another, and yet another, and then there will be many many finishing touches.
But, the end result is SOOOO worth it.
I promise – with perseverance, determination, courage, and just plain stubborness – you will be rewarded for all of your hard work.
Nothing is as beautiful as a freshly painted wall…or, to me a blank canvas….because of the possibilities. They are endless.
I had to put a lot of trust in my knowing what I do about stripping wallpaper. I have had so much experience remodeling and redecorating homes. Same with my spiritual path. I have intuition that is very strong. I need to start trusting more. Not asking as many questions, but, putting faith in MY knowing. And knowing that the solutions will present themselves when it is time.
No shortcuts. No quick way to the light. No faking it.
The work has to be done. Plain and simple.
And, you deserve it. (And so do I)
Blessings to all,
I’m going to need more pictures of the remodel.