Thanksgiving was very different this year. Energetically completely off the charts. It started out the same as it has in years past, with many of the main characters present. But, the energy was a far cry from what it normally is.
Let me set the stage.
My son-in-laws parents are very different from me. Not in an offensive way at all. Just different. I’m very liberal and metaphysical.
BUT, this year was so atypical.
The conversation started with a sharing about her brother, who is a minister that was part of the conglomeration of many various religious beliefs that went to Standing Rock.
Cool beans baby….something very near and dear to my heart and soul that we have in common.
And then, enter Ezra.
In his superman’s cape.
Ta-Da-ing us.
Speaking fast in his minion talk that we only picked up one or two words at a time….keeping us in stitches….it was clear that we all just adored this little one, who has brought three fairly unique families together in a common bond of love.
The conversation, though, that I had with my son-in-laws father melted my heart.
We talked about the significance of Standing Rock. The coming together of all colors and religions. To fight for a common cause….The Earth. We both had tears in our eyes. He told me that my artwork had gotten very powerful. I had no idea that he knew what I was painting.
His final words to me before I left, left me in tears.
“Paula, our door is always open to you any time you want to visit. I love you.”
So powerful.
Standing Rock and a bitty boy who is all laughter and smiles.
A munchkin that was created out of love that my daughter and son-in-law have for each other. Pure love between the two of them – and it’s obvious that Ezra carries this love forward.
And, the energy of Standing Rock was present. Powerful, prayerful, loving energy.
I see it….
Love…..is the most powerful emotion there is.
Thank you in-laws, for loving my baby girl like you do your own.
It makes my heart happy.
Thanksgiving means we get to defend our land as our did our progenitors for our creator, our mother earth, our five finger clan but not this government.
With prayers as our shield, protectors ready to stand for generations yet to be born.
What is rightfully ours we must protect, what is due us we must claim & we must use our own minds & hands.
United we stand with our allies & very thankful for those native at heart.
your writing is as powerful as your art