Dreaming of a place….with BIG expansive views, at least two acres, a barn, with room to have a studio to have a variety of workshops, room for critters, open kitchen for entertaining, and a great bathtub…with windows to see outside…
…..oh, and a wood burning stove…
I want to share a story about this painting that I painted this past fall. I’ve always had a dream of living on a farm. I’ve done it twice in my lifetime, and have miss it terribly.
Twice in the past ten years, I’ve passed up opportunities to purchase two small farms….although, I don’t regret it, because I know it led to the perfect place, but, for a few years, it would keep me up at night, partially beating myself up, and yet, there was always hope.
A few months ago I had a reading from a psychic, and she told me I would be moving to a sacred place….and she told me it would be before the end of the year. I laughed….after all, I was just finally feeling settled.
Then, two months ago, I started getting the itch again about a farm.
The hunt was on like donkey kong.
But, in the past few years, our housing market has skyrocketed here. We are the fastest growing market in the United States right now. I found several small tracts of land with no workshop, 5 acres, and a trailer…I found run down houses…But, OMG, WAYYYYYY over $275,000 plus.
I had a friend suggest that I look in SW Missouri.
Why not?
It’s only 3 miles from me.
And there it was.
My house on the hill. Not red like in the painting, but a red deck. No bathtub with a view, but, I have plans to build an outside bathing spot…complete with candles, plants, and lots and lots of flower essences. Which I plan to grow on the farm.
Lots of workshops. A loafing shed for animals. Good fencing.
I made a very difficult decision for me. I made the decision to finally move to my farm. Angel Fire Farm. On Engle Lane – which translates in German to Angel.
Everything unfolded perfectly. Like it was meant to be.
I’d be lying if I told you I’ve not had moments of doubt, and overwhelming feelings of “WTF have I done” have taken me over like demons in the night, but, my angels keep giving me signs, and I am trusting the process more.
There have been hurdles, but, I’ve realized that the answer lies in how I react to the hurdles, not in the hurdles themselves.
I’ll admit to feeling crazy….however, it just feels right.
Thank you all for supporting me, and believing in me….
I just want you all to know that your dreams can come true….You just have to believe in them…and be willing to slay your own demons….it’s the only thing that lies between you and your dreams.
May We Walk Together As One