I’ve been in New Mexico for almost a month. I have very little furniture, the dishes I am using are from out of my camper (plastic ones from some McDonald’s promo when my children were little), no washer and dryer, an aero-bed, a sofa, limited art supplies, and tons of candles and pillows (I am….after all….a Cancer….and a hopeful romantic!)
The interesting thing is that I have found that I don’t miss all my “stuff”. At all. Seriously. I have what I need (except the laundramat is getting old), and I’m perfectly happy making do with what is here.
I do miss my bed – not the big KING SIZE bed that I sleep in all alone, but the sweet queen size bed that I have to almost take a running leap to get into. I don’t, honestly, think I miss anything else. Wow… what a revelation. I don’t miss my blender (wait, do I have one?), or my dishwasher (I don’t even use the one I have), all of the extra serving dishes I have, or, well….anything else.
I’ve had a party here, and I’m not sure that anyone was aware that I didn’t have any of those things. The only thing that mattered was that we were all together having a great time. Which, is what was important.
I THOUGHT that I NEEDED all of the STUFF to make me happy…or make me feel grounded….or…whatever, but seriously….I have found that I am perfectly happy with very little STUFF and things.
I’ve found that I am less of a consumer than I thought. I’ve enjoyed more sunsets, and the hummingbirds, and the ravens, and nature. I don’t have a TV, so I am unaware of the news…which is fine, because it really doesn’t affect me. I paint, or hike, or write when I am bored. I go into town and dance and visit with friends more. I feel more connected here then I ever have. I am grateful for the incredible BEings I have in my life (seen and unseen). I listen to music and I read. I downloaded the Kindle app on my computer and I find I don’t miss books (it’s all on the internet anyway).
I’m taking a cooking class tomorrow….I’m going to the ski valley today to listen to some fantabulous local musicians….I’m writing about my beings….I’m spending a lot of time getting in touch with myself.
Life, as I know it, is good…
much love,
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