I received my first “hate” message since joining the movement in Standing Rock. I knew it was coming because I had just read an article that a friend sent me about a friend of his who had been murdered because of his activist activity.
“Paula. I have a question about your rebellion with the pipeline protest up in our country. Why did you join this protest? The pipeline is the safest way to transport oil. We don’t need thousands of oil trucks in our domain running up and down the roads in our area that have caused many deaths in accidents. Also the cause against oil? How do you think you and the rest of the people got there. Hmm. Gasoline made from oil. Park the car and start walking if this is your cause.”
Gut clench. And then anger…and then compassion.
I sent a text to my friend about what I had received….this was his answer…. “When you defend that which is good, that which is bad will oppose you. Activism has light and dark sides. Be comforted knowing darkness cannot occupy our light.” And also “If you don’t stand for something, then you will stand for anything.”
Which made me think. Long and hard. Is this something I feel strong enough about to risk losing friends? Losing sales? I had to face some serious fear.
It only took a microsecond.
This is not a political movement. This is an ecological movement. An environmental movement. It’s about protecting the natural resources that Mother Earth lovingly provides us. This is about protecting water. This is about federal law. They are bulldozing sacred burial sites. They are taking treatied land from those that were here first, and tunneling 92 feet under the Missouri River for a mile – which is their water source. It’s about promises made and broken when greed gets in the way.
I could have taken the time to explain what I believe and how passionate I am about this, but, I tapped into my intuition to see if that would be worth my time and effort, AND, to see if I truly wanted to engage with him. I didn’t. I knew he didn’t care about why. I knew I would just anger him further.
So I let it go. And sent him love.
I had another discussion with the woman whom I work with on my Facebook page. We are on totally different pages in many ways. Politically and spiritually. We both know it. However, when I talked with her about how to present doing a raffle, and prints for the Standing with Standing Rock painting she told me….”I want to do it and not charge you anything for it, because I want to do my part to help.”
Tears. Big Tears.
She said – “Yes we simply disagree on how change should happen. Many people could learn from us. There is so much hate in the world.”
And….there you have it. I knew I chose the right person to work with. I knew it, because she gives a portion of what I pay her to the elderly. This is how it should be. This is how we make a difference. Because bottom line, we all want a world filled with love and compassion. Not fear and anger.
It’s about love. Compassion. Giving. Helping others. Paying it forward.
This is for our children. And our grandchildren. For Gaia.
After all, we can’t drink money.
Mni Wiconi – Water is life
Blessings to all,
That’s a great story. I know that you can’t make everyone understand what Standing Rock is all about. I just wanted to let you know how the verse goes. It’s (You’ve got to stand for something or you will FALL for anything) Hanging in there.
Aho sugar….
Wonderful, Paula!
“When you defend that which is good, that which is bad will oppose you. Activism has light and dark sides. Be comforted knowing darkness cannot occupy our light.”
Your friend was right. My husband and I have had this discussion many times.
People not living their truth, who aren’t doing the things they do
“in love”, will always try to do what they can to hide your light.
And while they can, at times, dull your shine for a little while, they cannot keep the light dark for too long.
Keep shining bright Paula, you are one of the good ones.
aww….thank you so much