What’s with this shift?

For those of you who follow me, I know that you have noticed a bit (OK – a HUGE) of a shift.  I’ve really never been one to follow the crowd, and it certainly is playing out in my art.  Right now, I am not concerned with selling art…because, quite honestly, I am so in… Continue Reading


I have to be totally honest here.  First of all, I’ve never, ever been one to follow the crowd.  The pink pussy hats and #metoo movements never interested me.  To be frank, hadn’t most or all women been discriminated against, or sexually abused in one way or another?  What good would my being a part… Continue Reading

What if…..

I want to play a game….A game called “What If”.  I just recently finished a series on Netflix called Travelers…For those of you who have seen it, you know there was a HUGE cliffhanger.  For those of you who don’t know anything about the series…the cliff notes are that people “traveled” from the future, to… Continue Reading

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