Signs, signs….everywhere a sign…

I asked, and I have received.   I have DREAMED of having a mobile studio.  Candy…my little Scamp camper didn’t quite cut it….too small…so I went the other direction and bought a 32 foot fifth-wheel, and 3/4 diesel truck (Chloe and Blanca Bad A$$), only….too big.

I finally settled on just right – kinda like Goldilocks.

Agnes – is a 17 foot RPod – complete with a bathroom (OMG….so needed one!) and now, a full service studio!!!  I had a pretty strong vision one night of how to do it, and less than a week later….it was DONE!!!

It’s perfect.

I couldn’t ask for anything nicer.

As the monkey mind would have it – I have second guessed a lot.

Who am I to deserve, let alone DO this sort of a journey??!!!

And so, I asked for signs from GUS.

Where ever I am supposed to go, and if I am supposed to be an artist on the road – give me signs.

Within 30 minutes of posting on social media – I received a message from both my gallery owner and his wife – “Come to our lake house at Smith Lake north of Birmingham!”


First sign.

I stopped in Little Rock to have lunch with a friend and to pick up a painting…Metamorphosis…for the gallery.

We went to….


Best fried chicken ever.

Second sign.

The neighbors across the road are true creatives…as we were touring their magical compound, filled with all kinds of dragonfly sculptures – I ran across a cocoon – and he said – it’s metamorphsis!!  Number three.

One of the son’s name is Miles – I told him – my son’s middle name is Miles – He said – Mine too!!!

Barry – the neighbor – brought me flowers – the vase I had to put them in had dragonflies on it.

They keep coming – like breadcrumbs (if you want to take a chance on critters eating them…lol) or pebbles in the forest – every day, or several times a day.   Sometimes so miniscule, that someone who might not be looking would miss them, but, to me they are glaring signs.

It’s a reminder to me of how magical this journey really is….but….I (we) have to be quiet and observant to receive the messages.

We all could use some quiet…away from the noise….the endless chatter of life….time to just be alone and listen to the messages.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where we have been programmed to stay busy, and keep up with the Joneses.  We are bombarded with advertising based on fear and that we “need” the latest and greatest of everything, so that we can be “better, greater, richer” etc, than anyone else….

I guess this blog is about being quiet…and being present in the moment….The sunlight as it streams in your windows in the morning.  The sound of the doves calling to each other.  The smell of sage burning.  The feel of the cool breeze. The taste of your first cup of coffee.

Blessings to all of you….For today…for five minutes…turn off your phone….and just BE PRESENT.

May We Walk Together As One.





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