Tag Archives: Intuition

Thoughts about “being” authentic

I wrote my last blog on Dec. 23rd…2013 (not 2012…although it feels like years since I have written ANYTHING!).  I shared with all of you about my “coming out spiritually”, and how scary it was…or is for me.  BUT, (and it’s a big one), since then my life has become even MORE magical.  Because I… Continue Reading

I’m coming out….spiritually…

….as a spiritual being having a human experience.  A lightworker Full-blown woo-woo.  Airy fairy. A spiritual warrior. A believer in metaphysics.  As one who believes that positive thinking and love can change the world.  Yup…there ya have it.   It’s my confession of the day.  Actually, it’s the confession of my life. It’s scary.  And exciting. … Continue Reading

He’s a jerk….

….or is he? I recently did some healing work about releasing patterns.  Patterns that were no longer serving me, but that had become such second nature, that were my “go to” reactions to situations and people.   It was mostly around my relationship with my mother…who gave me one of the greatest gifts anyone could have… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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