Tag Archives: Spiritual

What is date rape? (Warning: Graphic Content)

Fully Exposed
Fully Exposed

I met someone.  It’s always been a joke between my friends and I that the only way that I am going to meet someone is at the grocery store or Walmart.  This one actually came to my house and purchased something that I had for sale.

He was so much of what I had envisioned myself ending up with, that it was uncanny.  There were few reservations.  I shared a lot about why I had so many intimacy issues, and he appeared to be super sensitive to my wanting to get to know him, before diving into being intimate.  I was surprised at how easy it was to set so many boundaries with him.

He was brilliant, incredibly spiritual, dorky, and made me laugh.  His ability to read my thoughts as I was thinking them was astonishing.  Time and time again, before I could even verbalize, he knew what I was going to say.  Frequently, I didn’t even HAVE to speak, and he would just KNOW what was going on in my mind.

I most definitely was starting to consider this relationship as long term.  Check, check, check.  It all seemed to be on my list.  I was even starting to feel that this was a man that I could work through my intimacy issues, and, eventually have a totally loving relationship with.  However, looking back on it, and through my processing, I realized that I had niggles of it not being quite right.  He was pushy, and I kept putting up boundaries.

He wanted to do energy work on me, which felt totally natural.  After all, I had shared ALL of my reservations about intimacy, and, once again, it seemed to me that he was in complete alignment.

We went to my bedroom, and he started doing work on me.  It felt otherworldly.  I was in heaven.  It was like all of my fears were melting away.

I allowed him to get physical with me…..but….it had been so long since I had been intimate, that it was painful.

We stopped.

We snuggled.

He told me that he understood.

I was grateful.

And then.

Before I knew it, he flipped me over, and rammed himself into me.

My whole being disappeared.

I was in shock.

I couldn’t respond OR react.

All I could think was, how could he do this?

After he finished, he said he had done me a favor since I was basically a “virgin” again.

I couldn’t even speak.

All I could think was that I wanted him to go home.  He read my mind, saying “I know you want me to leave.”  Followed by, “Thanks for letting me finish.”

It took me a while to process.  I’ve always been one that wants everyone to like me.  I’ve always put my needs last.  I’m a product of how I was raised, along with my patterns, karma, Akashic records, and soul contracts.

I felt guilty.  I felt ashamed.  I felt dirty and used.  I blamed myself.  I blamed myself, for not saying no, for having a sensual body, for being attractive, for being intelligent, and for being funny…..all of the characteristics that he found attractive.


Own Your Truth

They gave me strength.  They brought me messages that it is OKAY to be all of the things that I blamed myself for.  They told me that it was not my fault, and to stop beating myself up.  They also reminded me that this was one of the most powerful lessons of my life, and until I finally understood that listening to my intuition is the most important thing that I could do for myself, that these sort of incidences would continue to happen to me.

I’m not the victim here.  I am the victor.  He is not the enemy, nor do I hate him….on the contrary, I am grateful.  Grateful because I finally got it GUS!   I finally understand.

It will probably take me a while to fully process the whole incident.

So, was it date rape?  I’m not completely sure.  Way too much gray.  The only thing that I am sure of is that I’ve done a powerful shift.  It will take time to integrate the full lesson.

I do know that I am painting these STRONG, POWERFUL, NAKED, TOO MUCH WOMEN for others who are in the same boat as I am in.  The ones that feel guilty and ashamed.  The empaths.  The sensitive ones.  The ones who are afraid to be all that they are.

Is She Finished, Or a Work In Progress

The victors.

Because, there is no time like the present to finally “get” our lessons.

After all, we have a world to change.

May We Walk Together As One,



Who the heck is this GUS dude that I keep talking about?

Powerful (20 x 20)

And why do I think he is so dang important???

There is something that continually comes up for me with the work that I do.  I tend to be a bit edgy, and don’t believe everything I was taught as a child and younger adult.

My life started changing when I started listening to Abraham-Hicks – and realizing that there was much more to life than I “knew” growing up.

I became a major seeker…for MY truth.  For what felt right to me.

One of the things that I discovered was that I didn’t necessarily believe in God as a separate entity.  I found that I believed that we were the higher power.  Our higher consciousness.

What I believe is not so different in what many others believe.  We all refer to it in different ways.  Some call it God.  Some call it the Universe.  And some allude to it as Spirit.

GUS was born, basically because I’m lazy and got tired of writing God Universe Spirit, so I made an acronym.

I feel like we all, for the most part, believe in something that we can’t prove.   It’s called faith.  That with prayer, positive thinking, or repeating positive mantras we can create our own reality.

Even though this is MY belief, I feel it is important to honor and respect every way of thinking.  After all, isn’t that what makes the world so wonderful?  If we were all alike, it would be so damn boring!!!   It’s our uniqueness that makes the world go around.  It’s following our passion, and being authentic to who we are that brings in new ways of thinking.

What I DON’T understand are those that are so closed minded that they want us all to think alike and condemn those who do not believe as they do.

We came here to be uniquely us.  To learn how to love one another and to celebrate differences.  To open up our minds and our hearts.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  We agreed to do this.  We are the lucky ones.  The ones who get to feel emotion…touch….and love…

Now is the time for those of us who are on a spiritual path to speak up.  You never know when a seed that you plant will take root.   Have no attachment….no judgement….and know that everything is exactly as it should be.


May We Walk Together As One



Receiving the Messages

It’s been an incredibly enlightening journey to Taos this time.  I’ve been super meditative – stipping 1200 Sq. feet of very stubborn tile can do that. The one clear message I have received is how important it is to be authentically me. In every aspect in my life.  To look at the lessons that are… Continue Reading

The Blues

They come.  They go.  The blues.  Sometime with varying degrees of intensity.   I know that it’s normal.   I used to RUN away from the blues.  Or waller in it.  All great techniques of avoidance. I’ve learned more about myself in the past month, because I have chosen consciously to face myself.   My demons.  My little… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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