Tag Archives: synchronistic

What if??

Emerging From the Mist (24 x 30)
Emerging From the Mist

What if we are all God? (Hear me out, please) That higher consciousness?  And we all decided one day that we wanted to play a game.   A game called Earth.  And that we promised one another that we would help one another remember who they were.  What if?

What if we all knew all the rules before we came?  That we would have amnesia and forget that we are all love.  AND, that we were given all the tools that we needed, if we just knew how to look for them, or if our intuition was so strong that we KNEW when we found them.  Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Akashic Records, Meditation, Sychronicities….and oh so many more.  We have been given them.  What if?

What if we have agreements with other souls that help us learn our lessons no matter how painful, or or discouraging?  That some were here to challenge us in ways we never believed possible, and it made us feel like victims, or being picked on, or that we aren’t good enough or that we aren’t capable of being loved, and made us question why we are here.  That we fell in and out of love to learn some of those painful lessons.  What if?

What if we agreed that we would live as one with the Earth, the being that choose to host us for our experiment and all of her creatures that were present upon her.  That we would look to the skies and the beings for messages.  What if?

What if we all agreed to wake up now in the billions because we know that we are all in the 11th hour, 59th minute and 59th second?  That we are about to destroy the Earth by not living in harmony with her.  That we are more concerned with money and greed and short term goals rather than being concerned with leaving this world better than we found it, and making it a better place for generations to come. That we are more concerned with what we have rather than who we are.  That we are more concerned with being right, and bigger, and stronger, and smarter, and better than the other person, that we will do anything we can to discredit the other, rather than showing compassion and forgiveness and love.  What if?

What if artists and other creatives are here to bring in messages?  And our job is to change the world with our messages?  What if?

What if the answer really is LOVE?

What if?

May we walk together as one.




Lessons from a weed….errr….flower garden

All we are is love

I just got back from the most life changing opportunity I have ever had.  I have been drawn to do a shamanic journey for about 6 years.  It’s an intense journey, and one never knows what to expect.  I met incredible people who I now consider family members who give nothing but unconditional love.  Never before in my life have I been gifted so much by so many who I don’t even know.  We thought, felt and breathed as one.

After my last night and tearful morning – I headed to Taos for some much needed reflective time and connection with the Mountain.

I had no idea where I was going to stay.  I had my camper, but was about camped out.  And it was going to be cold.  I posted on Facebook that I was heading up that direction and would love to connect with as many as I could.   A friend offered me his place.   He was out of town.  A result of my journey?  I choose to believe so.

I wrote, I painted, I cried, I laughed.  I visited quietly with many friends, and shared laughter and music.

Then came time.  Time to head back to Arkansas.   Time to leave the land that has enchanted me ( I know, right?), and healed me.

I needed to do something physical after returning home.  I needed to feel the earth.  My child and I decided (well, I was the one to decide) to go pull weeds.

WHOA – the lessons started pouring in!!!

“Is this a weed?”

“Yes.  See how it is taking over everything choking everything in it’s path, threatening to take over?”

Time to pull.

Aha – much like it is time to “pull” people out of your life that no longer belong there because they are choking you and threatening to take over.  It’s not a bad thing….it allows for more beauty to show.

“What about this?”

“Hmmmm – not sure.   Let’s let it grow a while, and then we can decide.”

It occurred to me that this is what it is like when you first meet someone and you are not sure.   You give them time to grow – to see if they are beautiful – or if they just don’t fit into your garden.  Time to decide.  It doesn’t have to be right now – let them develop.

The weed – ummmm – flower garden was now looking good.   More flowers than weeds.  I think.

But, it took work.  Hard work.  Committment.  Time.  Much like our lives require.  We can’t just plant and then walk away.  We need to be watered.  We need to pull weeds.  We need to commit to making ourselves the  beautiful person that we came here to be.

It doesn’t happen over night.

It takes time.

But I promise you, that you will be rewarded with the most glorious flower garden.  Weeds come and weeds go.  It’s work – but the most rewarding work you could ever do – for you – for us – we are truly all one.  I know it. I’ve experienced it.  It’s MAGICAL.

Much love,


You are NOT alone….trust me.

So the other day I was discussing exactly what it means to me to “come out spiritually”…..and all of the emotion around it. Should I, shouldn’t I…and why the hell do I feel that it is so dang important…especially right now?     The only easy and quick answer I could come up with is that …..simply… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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