As an artist – and I can only speak for myself – and others who have shared their opinions with me – our style, our footprint, our process – each of ours, is uniquely our own. When we are chosen to BE artists, it takes courage to actually step into our chosen path, as our “product” that we choose to share with the world is a reflection of who we are – our inner most emotions at times – go onto the canvas.
We choose to risk what others opinions of our art is, or how they feel about it, because it is just who we are.
I asked an opinion of my followers on my professional facebook page (www.facebook.com/paulajonesart) on whether or not they thought this painting was “finished” or not. I received a ton of opinions in response to my question. For the most part, they were positive. I always know (now) that when I ask for an opinion I have to be prepared for the answers….LOL….
One follower choose to write this – “The lines of paint running down makes it look cheap….” And I waited for that “OMG downward spiral” that usually accompanies this sort of comment about my art. And it didn’t come…dang….where did the normal pity party go? I could COUNT on the worm eating contest…. Instead this is what I immediately replied….”Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And everyone has different taste. Its always been a part of my style. and I thank God that I don’t listen to what everybody says about how I should paint. Because I am me and when I paint it is reflection of me.”
Yes, it was a reaction to what he said….and I still – obviously – got a little defensive – BUT… BIG AHA moment. I did react…but not in the “normal” “poor-me” way. BIG BIG BIG Shift in me, and how I feel about BEing an artist….
Next time I get a comment like that – you know what I’ll be doing…. Yup….pushing that delete button!