This started as a regular ole post, and when I started writing, I was aware that there was more to say than I thought about this subject… So, here are my musings for the day.
Once you commit to a spiritual path…you will start learning lessons to help you become….well…the best version of you that you came to be.
The lessons…at first….will be challenging (to say the least)…and you may want to quit. It’s not all namaste and unicorns farting glitter filled rainbows.
But, you can’t unknow what you already know. There will be a period that you question why you said yes, and a phase of anger, confusion and “why me”.
Then, you release, relax, regroup and really start listening.
Everything happens for a reason and, even though you might not be able to see those reasons immediately, eventually (if you can drop the “victim” act), you are rewarded with answers.
The lessons get deeper and more profound much like a spiral…there are more and more layers to every lesson.
I like to compare it to one of those gumball machines that drop the gumball in a spiral…before you get your reward…it gets intense…always revisiting the same place, but deeper.
You can’t stop the gumball, but, you can watch in fascination as that colorful ball gets closer and closer to your possession.
It’s about the process – and whether or not you are in a position to react, respond, or just release and allow.
Every learning experience is different and it is up to each one of us to decipher what is true for ourselves. Is this Karma? A lesson? A soul contract?
Thank You I am walking the same type journey. So your right we will never walk alone. ❤️
Kinda nice to know peeps have your back
Love this essay
thank you so very much
Hi Paula… I enjoyed this post and can relate to it very much. I am committed to this same type path and the deeper I go the more clarity and aha’s I receive.
I listened to a Wayne Dyer CD, Inspiration, in which he talks about returning to our source or to our real selves. I was reminded of this in your writings today.
I so enjoy your honesty and love following your ‘story’. Blessing and love to you!
Blessings sugar