Author Archives: Paula Jones

Big, no, HUGE Rant Post…

Yesterday I posted something that was super hard for me to share. It was very vulnerable, and very much about my process and my lessons. And, believe it or not, I received a comment from someone who doesn’t know me at all, and who obviously did not read my post, chastising me…. Here is the… Continue Reading

I’ve been procrastinating….

….a lot!!! About writing this. It’s super painful, and over the top vulnerable…and scary AF to share…but, once again, my guides are kinda a-holes about suggesting what I do, and they ALWAYS preface it with “it’s for the collective!!” Right. But, they ARE right. While I was in Taos, I had an opportunity to meet… Continue Reading

Man, did I get triggered

But, this time, I handled it differently. I knew it was coming. However, it came from someone I did not expect it to come from. Any time someone tries going outside of the box, it’s scary. You never know what the reactions might be. This time, was so different for me. I’ve tried so many… Continue Reading

Crazy times, call for Crazy measures

And I am pretty sure that I am crazy enough to try them. AND, I have received so much “go-for it” guidance about this (and questioned incessantly), that I am finally ready. I LOVE creating – whether it be painting, writing, cooking, my yard or my home. It’s like crack to me. (Although, I really… Continue Reading

I am an external processor…

Or, I was…and kinda still am, but, I’m making an effort to listen to MY guidance more and more. Yes, I am not always able to hear what is being said all the time, and those are the times I reach out to my very tight inner circle for clarity. When I posted my last… Continue Reading

No desire to paint…

I hope that, soon, it goes away. Feels like a major transition. I know there is one coming as far as how I sell and market my paintings, that message was crystal clear when I was at Sundance and Chaco Canyon. More on the realm of conscious consumerism….If I am going to talk the talk,… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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