Category Archives: Uncategorized


And scared. (This was written BEFORE I WENT TO CHICAGO – so it’s a tad outdated!) I’ve gone through several fairly significant changes for the past three months.   I’ve had time to really reflect on what is important. Who I am. Why I am here. I guess I’m really here to be me. Sounds simple… Continue Reading

Comforting the Disturbed….

…..and disturbing the comfortable. It’s not for the faint of heart.  It’s a special calling for a few artists whose soul and higher self begs for them to create art along with messages that are controversial. And particularly challenging for those artists who are susceptible and worry about what others think, because of their wounding,… Continue Reading

Connections and Healings come from the oddest places.

Thanksgiving was very different this year.  Energetically completely off the charts.  It started out the same as it has in years past, with many of the main characters present.  But, the energy was a far cry from what it normally is. Let me set the stage. My son-in-laws parents are very different from me.  Not… Continue Reading

Insistent Intuition

I had it all. I HAD IT ALL!!! Or did I? I had the wonderful, gorgeous, professional husband.   I had the 2.54 children. I had the house on the golf course.   I had the Mercedes. The cat and the dog. I had everything money could buy. I even had the proverbial white picket fence. But,… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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