
It seems that Spirit works in strange and Magical ways…Just when I question, the answer comes in. Here is the Daily Kabbalah. You see…the answers are not just contained in one religion, one society – it is an underlying theme all around the world. It is time…..a time to commit. To ourselves, humanity, the earth.
Thank you Spirit for such a timely message.

“We often think that making a commitment is a decision. We have a moment of clarity, and we decide it’s worth it.

For most of us, choosing a spiritual path is the most important decision in our lives. What we sometimes miss is that it’s not a choice. It’s a commitment. And a commitment is ongoing. It needs to be made and remade every day.

If you decide to run a marathon, you aren’t just choosing to show up on the day of the event. You’re choosing a path, and that means conditioning every day. If you skip a week of training, you might not make it to the marathon.

  • Being committed to a spiritual path means sometimes we’ll be alone. We might feel like a black sheep. Other times, people might want us to fail. Or at least when we succeed, their insecurities will be awakened and they won’t be happy about our success.   (This is the part for me I was meant to hear)

  • And one thing’s for sure: we will be tested. Not on our decision, but on our commitment. (This too)

You won’t always enjoy what you do but that’s part of the payment to reach your goal. Even if you’re just starting this path, at whatever level, there’s a corresponding level of tests, of doubts, of resistance.

So this week, I recommend that you start to write down every time you help a person, so when you lose sight of your purpose on this path, you’ll remember you’re here for something bigger.

All the best,

And so, it makes me think.  Walking this path, having come from a very conservative, Catholic, background, where I would have thought that anyone that believe as I do now was airy, fairy, woo-woo, pot-smokin’ hippin(an actual comment from a family member), crazy, needs to be thrown into an aslym, should take medication (of course, isn’t that the answer to everything that we don’t understand), has its challenges, but the rewards far outweigh the  challenges.    Everything I try to stop – back off – quit doing what my intuition (gift from Spirit) tells me to do, I get shoved back in.  I really have “come out”.  And………it feels good.

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