Tag Archives: Being

What to do…..

…..when you feel like you are being guided to paint something that is almost unexplainable even to you?   How do you translate that to canvas?  And, how do you explain it to those who are asking for an explanation? I started painting “beings” a year or so ago….but, they were unfinished.  Kinda raw and tattered.  … Continue Reading

The Never Ending Search for love

I am addicted to love.   The thought of love anyway.  I’m not sure I’m addicted to love.   Maybe I am.  At least the search for love.  The thought of love.  But, I don’t think I really know what love really is.   I don’t think I’ve ever really BEEN IN LOVE.  Seriously.  I was married for… Continue Reading

Natural Lessons

I’ve been walking.  A lot.  Every morning.  At least two miles.  Over the river and through the woods, so to speak.  Through neighborhoods, and along country roads.  Which means, as you know, that I have to get dressed super early.   A feat in itself, as most of you know me to stay in my pajamas… Continue Reading

How important IS mindset?

When it comes to being an artist?   How important is it really?   After all, shouldn’t being a good artist be enough?   Or is it?  What separates good artists from successful artists?    Is it just that the successful artists get breaks?  That they are in the right place at the right time?  Is it that?   Or… Continue Reading

Yesterday was one of “Those” days….

….”Those” sort of counterproductive woe-is-me days.   I was in my head…overthinking and over-rationalizing who I was days.   And then….it spiraled down from there.   Those sort of “OMG, Paula, you will NEVER amount to anything sort of days”.   Okay…you get the picture. Hadn’t had one of those for a long time.   And, I went with it. … Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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