Tag Archives: courage

Battle won….

….but the “war” continues. I rolled over at 3 AM to this text from a wise man whom I greatly respect regarding the “battle” at Standing Rock. “Not one prayer, but collective prayers, are the true miracle of #nodapl.” ….I smiled, knowing it is true, and tried to go back to sleep, but, my guides,… Continue Reading

Becoming Visible

I cried when I painted this.  Actually, that is a lie….I sobbed.   She may or may not be a “work of art”, but, her message to me, and to others is powerful. She appears to be taking shape.  Slowly.  Through the mist she is gradually appearing.  She is finding herself.  Becoming herself.  Allowing others to… Continue Reading

Fear….and releasing

I’ve been struggling.  With who I am and who others think I should be (which just puts my people pleasin’ tendencies into hyperdrive!!!)  Not a winning combo in my world. Perhaps I should go into more details…It’s my art.  Which, I guess in a way, is who I am. I have really been feeling the… Continue Reading


We are all in the process of growth and change.  Always.  Life is change.  Even if you don’t change your beliefs, cellular change is always taking place.  It’s life. As you may or may not know (and may or may not care….lol) I just got back from a second shamanic journey.  Life changing.  Attitude altering. … Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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