Author Archives: Paula Jones

I’m falling in love….

With myself…actually…not really, but, kinda….This post is REALLY about falling in love with my creative process all over again. Which, for me, translates into falling in love with myself…in a way. The creative process is who I am… I’ve been asking myself “WHY LANDSCAPES?”. Most of the time when I paint, I know my motivation.… Continue Reading

Depression is a Fickle Lover

Throw into the mix spiritual path, empath, people pleaser, AND HSP, and that tends to be a recipe for disaster!!! I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t occasionally have to deal with the demon Depression. Oh, I know, so many people say things like: “It’s all in your head.” (yup) or,… Continue Reading

When are we gonna get there?

Said in the whiniest voice from a small child who is tired of riding in the car!! All of you who have ever traveled with small children know EXACTLY what it sounds like!!! They want to GET THERE!! My parents must have been crazy and/or saints to want to travel with four children five and… Continue Reading

It’s a blankie fort day

One of “those” days that we all dread, that come on with no warning, that stop you in your tracks. One of “those” days, that you KNOW something good will come out of it, IF, you can just remember that it all happens for a reason…and IF you can remember you have your tools in… Continue Reading

Mea Culpa

I KNEW I published my HUGE rant for a reason…. Initially, I had NOT ONE CLUE about why it bothered me so much. Ninety nine percent of the time, when I get a comment that triggers me, I delete it. This time it sent me on a tear. First of all, let me give a… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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