Category Archives: Uncategorized

Nasty Woman/Sweet Soul

Or….Things aren’t always what they appear to be….until you look below the surface. So, I had a “thing” happen yesterday. I received a text from a woman who purchased one of my angels. She was adamant about having this particular angel… “Angel here and I am most unhappy. One arm, no blue on her anywhere,… Continue Reading

Angels Among Us

This is the story of the Angels….Angel Fire Sculptures….and how they were born… Two years ago, I asked for recommendations on where to go in Agnes….I always went to the SW, but, I was obviously needing a change…My gallery owner and his wife in Birmingham offered to let me part in their driveway at their… Continue Reading

Heal the world

Many of us came here from the stars….Each having a specific “job” to do to help heal humanity. Yesterday, I was guided to paint something I might normally not paint. Star people. I sat in meditation for the majority of the day to receive the message. The download that I received from this painting was… Continue Reading

I found them!

Or, actually they found me. Or maybe it was just GUS (God, Universe, Spirit) at work…My tiospaye….My Family…. In the Lakota culture, the word tiospaye encompasses the conviction that family is not only made up of immediate blood relatives, but also extends to all those within their tribal clan. It was so synchronistic, that I… Continue Reading

One (mighty fierce) Angel’s Story

Let me share with you the story of how this angel was born. Most of you know, if you have been following my journey, that right now I am obsessed with abstracted landscapes. However, the other day, a pretty dang powerful Angel snuck in with an equally powerful message. Surprise, surprise Paula….We are not finished… Continue Reading

What does love look like?

This topic has been on my mind a lot lately….And, let me tell you why. It’s really hard for me to share this, but, I’m going to anyway. I’ve been wondering if I’m at all capable of love and/or loving. Several incidences have happened in my little world lately that has made me go to… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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