Tag Archives: art

I Really Don’t Give a S#!T!

Warrior Goddess (36 x 36)
Warrior Goddess (36 x 36)

Interesting thing happened a couple of weeks ago.   Any painting that I have created in my career as an artist and posted on FaceBook, I constantly check to see how many likes I receive.  Call it insecurity.  Call it wanting to be liked (after all – what we create as an artist is an extension of who we are – we put our souls on canvas….at least some of us do!!!)  Call it ego.   Call it whatever you want to call it.

But, I think it happens to most of us.

My mantra for this past year has been to create authentic art.

The kind of art that my soul – my guides – my muse – BEGS, INSISTS and DEMANDS me to paint!!!!!   It’s not always easy, and sometimes my creations fall flat (translation – unsaleable!!).

I do it anyway.

I even tried an experiment a year ago, providing two galleries with cows (that they were begging me to paint), that my soul didn’t go into.  I furthered that experiment this year taking those unsold paintings to a benefit sale where my cows fly off the wall like hotcakes….but….they didn’t.  Not a single one sold!!!  NOT ONE!!!!   And they were priced cheap.


I came back and decided – F**K it!!!!  I’m painting what I’m being asked to paint.

And I posted it.

With this:  “Oh holy s#!%!!!!!! I don’t even care if NO one likes her…I’ve been wanting to do abstracted figures… and I love doing this!!!  I’m loving playing with pigments. And textures.  Definitely a HUGE learning curve, but, SO DAMN FUN!  I’m a giddy (and happy) camper.”

And, I really didn’t care.

For the first time since I have started painting – I really didn’t give a rat’s A$$ what a single soul thought. It was creation of the purest form.   I lost all track of time – and honestly – I can’t remember ever not caring a bit.

And, of course, admonishment came.

Sorry, but you are the first one to judge and tag your artwork by saying, -I don’t care if no ones like her-What make you think that? It’s like saying, well is not that pretty but I like it because I had fun. Mixed words caused some confusion.”

Of course – those words made me think – and came with perfect timing….Thank you GUS (God, Universe, Spirit)!!!!!

Maybe for the commentor, this was true……but……she has no idea what my path and my journey are all about.  It’s taken my whole life to finally be able to say (and mean it) that I really didn’t care what people think.

Many artists are finding themselves in the same boat as I am in.  They are torn between being “art factories” and creating art that sells, and yet, their souls scream “CREATE FOR THE SAKE OF CREATING!!!”

I believe now more than ever the world needs the messages that come through us…it’s why we were/are called to be artists.   I will say that I don’t believe that this calling is for everyone.  I think it is for those of us that KNOW that we are here to change the world by being authentic.  By simply being who we are.   AND, I believe that if we following our authentic calling with integrity, that GUS will take care of us.

I’m a creator.  I love trying new materials.  I love figuring out how to make it work for me in my style.


And, fellow creators, that intangible JOY translates to your creations!!!   Your peeps (and also, your non-peeps) can feel it.   When you get a comment like – “I don’t know why I am drawn to your art – but – I HAVE to have it.” – that’s how you know that you have created something that carries the one thing that some artists don’t have – the soul factor.




No fear.

Just pure soulful, authentic, joyful creation.

May We Walk Together As One.

Much Love,



This started as a regular ole post, and when I started writing, I was aware that there was more to say than I thought about this subject…  So, here are my musings for the day.
Once you commit to a spiritual path…you will start learning lessons to help you become….well…the best version of you that you came to be.
The lessons…at first….will be challenging (to say the least)…and you may want to quit.  It’s not all namaste and unicorns farting glitter filled rainbows.
But, you can’t unknow what you already know.  There will be a period that you question why you said yes, and a phase of anger, confusion and “why me”.
Then, you release, relax, regroup and really start listening.
Everything happens for a reason and, even though you might not be able to see those reasons immediately,  eventually  (if you can drop the “victim” act), you are rewarded with answers.
The lessons get deeper and more profound much like a spiral…there are more and more layers to every lesson.
I like to compare it to one of those gumball machines that drop the gumball in a spiral…before you get your reward…it gets intense…always revisiting the same place, but deeper.
You can’t stop the gumball, but, you can watch in fascination as that colorful ball gets closer and closer to your possession.
It’s about the process – and whether or not you are in a position to react, respond, or just release and allow.
Every learning experience is different and it is up to each one of us to decipher what is true for ourselves.  Is this Karma?  A lesson?  A soul contract?
I’ve noticed a big change in my art since this last “growth” (translation – lots of lessons and AHA moments) period.
My palette has changed.
The messages are more lighthearted.
I accept who I am more.  I respond rather than react more.  Or, I don’t respond at all.  I’m happier.  I don”t feel the need to be “coupled”.  I enjoy nature more often.  I’m good with being quiet and alone.
This painting – Transfiguration – reflects me leaving the old me behind and becoming…well….more me than I ever have been.  It’s a blend of my old and my new style.  Very raw and vulnerable, AND, unfinished.  Kinda like we all are.  A work in progress.  The shadow side is still present, and beautiful.
If it hadn’t been for a small handful of people that I honor, respect and trust, I would have still arrived here, just not quite as fast as I did….for those people, I am truly grateful.  They listened, and offered advice when it was needed (and one, still occasionally uses a 2 x 4 – but, she is my go to for blunt honesty, and I LOVE her for that!!!).
Blessings to all of you who have chosen this incredible journey to yourself.
I want you to know that you are never alone.
May we walk together as one.
PS….Still much more deepening of the lessons.  I’ll never “arrive”, but will continually be amazed at everything I learn.
AND,  be grateful.

I’m coming out….spiritually…

….as a spiritual being having a human experience.  A lightworker Full-blown woo-woo.  Airy fairy. A spiritual warrior. A believer in metaphysics.  As one who believes that positive thinking and love can change the world.  Yup…there ya have it.   It’s my confession of the day.  Actually, it’s the confession of my life. It’s scary.  And exciting. … Continue Reading

Shoulds and Supposed to’s

To me, “should” and “supposed to” are two total creativity downers. It will kill a creation faster than a cold shower will kill…well we all know what that will kill.    After all, those of us that are creatives, are just that…creative.   We aren’t here to follow the rules.  We are here to make… Continue Reading

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days – Day 1

Okay – so where to start? Did I mention, I love what I do? As I lie here in my bed, drinking my first cup of coffee, looking at Grandmother Mountain (Taos Mountain), I am contemplative about this undertaking I have chosen.   This past week has been incredulous.   I had written several goals for this… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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