Tag Archives: artist

I chose consciousness…

….before I even knew the meaning of the word.  Before I knew what it entailed…   I didn’t just CHOOSE it, I said, “Bring it on!”.  Lord god…. I was so unhappy.  Like, always sick, unhappy.  Like, knowing that there was more to life than what I was experiencing.  Like there was something else out there.… Continue Reading

Receiving the Messages

It’s been an incredibly enlightening journey to Taos this time.  I’ve been super meditative – stipping 1200 Sq. feet of very stubborn tile can do that. The one clear message I have received is how important it is to be authentically me. In every aspect in my life.  To look at the lessons that are… Continue Reading

Outside of Her Comfort zone

Strange painting, I know.  But, I felt driven to create it….and then waited patiently for it’s message.  Not all paintings are meant to be masterpieces.   Some are created to push oneself.  To try new techniques and materials.  To go where one has not gone before. And, then it came. The message. GO OUTSIDE OF YOUR… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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