Tag Archives: artist

The Face of Fear

I had a bad day yesterday. It happens. This one, however, was particularly life changing. It was one of those “I know why he cut off his ear”, and “I’ll never be an artist” days.  No ideas floating in my head.  No niggling messages to paint.  No desire to paint anything.  Music didn’t help.  Walking… Continue Reading

I Choose….LOVE.

It seems so often that we are all asked to be the same.   Oh sure, “they” tell you that being different is great, but, then you go to school and conformity is the name of the game.  At least where I grew up.  Maybe those were restrictions that I put on myself – but I… Continue Reading

Being “Chosen”

Being “chosen” to be an artist is an interesting journey. To say the least. Especially for some of us who come from very traditional backgrounds where there are no “creatives” anywhere in the family tree.  Or family members and friends who are extremely creative, but choose to follow a traditional path rather than answer the… Continue Reading


Every year, I try to pick a word that I choose to focus to work on for the year.   This year, was no exception.   TRUST!   Trust my intuition, trust my knowing, just trust. The last blog I wrote about was VERY raw and vulnerable.  (Hope Rising)  I put myself out there like I had never… Continue Reading

What to do…..

…..when you feel like you are being guided to paint something that is almost unexplainable even to you?   How do you translate that to canvas?  And, how do you explain it to those who are asking for an explanation? I started painting “beings” a year or so ago….but, they were unfinished.  Kinda raw and tattered.  … Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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