Tag Archives: channeling

I’ve been really afraid…

ahigherpower…..to be who I am for the majority of my life, because I’ve always worried about what other people thought.   Okay, not totally true, because I remember as a small child being happy being outside in my Grandparents magical cedar forest complete with fairies, and leprechauns, and such – I kid you not!!!  I didn’t care what ANYONE thought then!!!

And, I’m finally getting back to that place again.

I’m a visionary artist.  At first, I really tried to “fit in”, (just like I used to want to “fit in” constantly in junior high, high school, college, marriage…yada, yada, yada!), and paint more traditional subjects…..and I did, but, I never really felt like me.

It’s been a journey.

When I first started painting “beings”, I only shared them with people I knew would “get it”.  I slowly started sharing them with others.

Then, the messages started.

And, “I” went on an adventure in Chloe (Fifth-Wheel).

One thing I learned while on my adventure is that I need to be true to me.  Me, and only me.   I’m the only one that I have to “make” happy.   Me.  Everyone else is responsible for their own happiness.  I found that it was very important to me to be completely from my integrity.


I’m not a traditional artist.

At all.

That became VERY clear to me yesterday when I painted the painting above and then the message came through….on this the day of a bit of uncertainty…..

A Higher Power
Yesterday I was called to create…and this one has a strong message. 
Remember, when you go into fear, there is a higher power at work. 
The scales are being balanced. 
It is our job to hold the light.  
To remember that we are surrounded by angels.
To be love. 
To be that voice of reason. 
To be that voice of love. 
May we walk together as one.

I know that there are many of you who are afraid to be who you are also.   We’ve all been taught to “fit in”.  They tell us they want us to be individuals, and yet, when we non-conform, we are either made fun of or reprimanded.   It’s no wonder so many of us struggle with who we are.

I, for one, am finding that it is easier to just be who I am, rather than keep trying to fit into that square hole…

Here is my “I am” statement (the very, very short version)….

I am a visionary intuitive artist.  I receive messages about what to paint, sometimes, and, sometimes the paintings just flow with the messages revealed while the layers mingle.  I believe we were sent here to find our way back to love.  Acceptance.  Compassion.  I am a Pollyanna.  And, a channel, an empath, psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive woman who has been given the gifts of transparency, determination (Thanks, Mom!), and creativeness.  It is up to ME to utilize these gifts in the way that Earth Maker, God, Creator, Spirit, or whatever the heck you believe in….intended.  To do anything less would be a sin.

Now….who are you????

May we walk together as one.



Finding Herself…

FInding Herself
FInding Herself

….And all because she chose to take the path less traveled….

As many of you know, (and you may get tired of hearing about it), going to Standing Rock to help protect the water and the earth, changed and affected me in a profound manner.   I knew something was there for me, and I knew it would alter and challenge my existence, I just didn’t know how.

I DO KNOW, however, that committing to a spiritual path will make you, at times, feel as though you are being broken into a million pieces, to let the light in…

I can feel that the world is getting ready to make a conscious shift.  There will definitely be some darkness that will come out (and is already), and those of us that have chosen to be the light bearers are being tested and asked to grow in ways we never thought possible.   At times, it feels like we are being ripped apart.  To get rid of the gunk, the stuff we have buried so deep, the stuff that wakes us up at night in total fear.

My deepest knowing is that this is an essential part of the changes that are coming.

I have two big fears – one is having enough money to live on as an artist, and the other is being alone. (Well, actually three – I always worry about what others think about me!)

I have had a dream for many, many years…  I want badly to be able to follow the whale migration down the Western Coast of the United States, and paint my way down the coast.  In a camper….but, in a bigger one than Candy Scamper Camper.

After the election, (and because of all of the uncertainty) I made a conscious decision – to take some of my savings and buy a rig to go on the road.  I’m not getting any younger – and – I’m tired of waiting for someone to do it with!!!!   TWO OF MY BIGGEST FEARS out in the open.

First order of business to find a big enough truck to tow what I want to tow – (and, Spirit, could she please have a fifth wheel hitch, extending mirrors, extra towing package AND low miles???)  White Pony (and/or Blanca Badass – Thank you Brooke Tatum), showed up.  The rapidity at how fast everything was happening was almost mind blowing.


Enter in Chloe – a 32 foot Montana Mountaineer – complete with a winter package – a washer/dryer combo – a cheesy electric fireplace (not on my list – but – OH SO WELCOME!), a great area to use as a studio (complete with TONS OF STORAGE) – AND a bathtub!!!!  Not a big one, but, I can lie down in (although I still haven’t quite figured out what to do with my legs when I do that!), and soak when I need to.

I decided to camp at a campground VERY close to my home in Bella Vista, AR….The space they gave me was #53 – a sign from my Mom who died on May 3rd – the year I turned 53.  She always has a way of letting me know when she supports my decisions!!!

And, if that wasn’t enough, a friend (Thank you Sheri Esarte for listening to YOUR intuition) painted a painting of a Red Horse (my given Navajo name), on the day of the full moon that I received my name.  She also gifted me with an arrowhead.  I was also gifted that day with a key chain that had an Indian face, arrowhead, and an eagle (my totem animal) on it, along with a piece of turquoise.

I’m on my virgin journey with her right now –  I followed my intuition (and the signs) and headed to Gallup, NM to paint, write and visit parts of the Navajo (Diné) reservation that have been calling to me since I first visited Shiprock many years ago to participate in Sundance Ceremony.  I don’t know why yet, I just know I am supposed to be here.  (And they TRIED to give me space #53 – except it didn’t have 50 AMP service!  THANKS MOM, for letting me know that this is the right decision!!!).

I’ve been painting.  And writing.  Amazed at what is coming through me.  I start a painting, and just let the messages flow through me.   I disappear.  The signs keep coming.  I know I am where I am supposed to be, and I’m good with that.  I don’t know WHY I’m here, yet, but, I’m sure that will be revealed IF I can be patient enough!!!

Finding Herself is the second painting I have done since arriving in Gallup.  I planned on painting something else, but THEY (the muses and guides) would have nothing to do with what “I” wanted.

Her message was channeled in by my friend Sara Burch – “Be as you are….marvel in your uniqueness, and transcend to your greatness!”

A clear message for all of us.  ALL OF US!!!   We are all here to be uniquely us.  Who we chose to be this lifetime.

Yup, life is good.  If I can just stop fighting myself.

Blessings to all,

Red Horse (aka Lii Łichíí)




Becoming Visible

I cried when I painted this.  Actually, that is a lie….I sobbed.   She may or may not be a “work of art”, but, her message to me, and to others is powerful. She appears to be taking shape.  Slowly.  Through the mist she is gradually appearing.  She is finding herself.  Becoming herself.  Allowing others to… Continue Reading


Every year, I try to pick a word that I choose to focus to work on for the year.   This year, was no exception.   TRUST!   Trust my intuition, trust my knowing, just trust. The last blog I wrote about was VERY raw and vulnerable.  (Hope Rising)  I put myself out there like I had never… Continue Reading

What to do…..

…..when you feel like you are being guided to paint something that is almost unexplainable even to you?   How do you translate that to canvas?  And, how do you explain it to those who are asking for an explanation? I started painting “beings” a year or so ago….but, they were unfinished.  Kinda raw and tattered.  … Continue Reading


  …..Santana. Wow.  WOW…. WOW!!!!! I went to his concert last night here in Northwest Arkansas.   I’ve been to several concerts over my lifetime (Billy Joel, Seals and Crofts, AC/DC, Barry Manilow, Amy Grant, Lionel Richie, Neal Sedaka…obviously you know what kind of music “I” listened to while growing up – AC/DC was my “wild… Continue Reading

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