Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why do we do it to ourselves??

Artists…actually, most creatives that I know do it.  (Of course, there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule, but, for the most part as a collective…we DO IT!) WE DON’T VALUE OUR GIFT THAT HAS CHOSEN US!!!!!!  (And so…how is any one else going to see our value, if WE don’t…#justsayin ) I just had a… Continue Reading

Today, I turn 60

Today, I turn 60 The BIG 6-0. Wow…..Hard to say….let alone contemplate what it means. Some say that it is the last third of your life…..AND, I plan to make it the BEST third. All day long I have vacillated between being teary, and being ecstatic. Ten years ago, it was 50….(DUH!!) I was a… Continue Reading

Signs, signs….everywhere a sign…

I asked, and I have received.   I have DREAMED of having a mobile studio.  Candy…my little Scamp camper didn’t quite cut it….too small…so I went the other direction and bought a 32 foot fifth-wheel, and 3/4 diesel truck (Chloe and Blanca Bad A$$), only….too big. I finally settled on just right – kinda like Goldilocks.… Continue Reading

I’m Calling Bull Crap…

(I’d say the other word, but social media tends to frown upon my typical language…LOL!!!) ….on those that say – just think nice thoughts because that’s how you create your reality. AND, here is why. Sometimes, our “issues” are not in the here and now, but deeper than that.  It takes a really GOOD intuitive… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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