Category Archives: Uncategorized

YOU are important

Yes, you. The one reading this. I know that this is stated adnauseum, but, you are the only you that there is.  A part of an intricately woven fabric of golden light.  Everything, and everyone has a role. It is essential that we all accept our uniqueness.  Celebrate it.  Flaunt it.  Or don’t.  Whatever makes… Continue Reading

How important is customer service?

I’ve had a unique experience that I want to share with you all.  Especially with those of you who are artists and are making a go of being considered a professional in your field. On September the 11th, I ordered a piece of artwork to be sent to my dear friend who had just emerged… Continue Reading

Confessions of a (almost former) people pleaser

Lord God…we are all being hit with so much right now.  As if all of the hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, and state of our country isn’t enough, we are being asked to step up and into our authentic powerful god/and goddess selves which translates to….well….chaos….which means big change for so many. Our lessons are coming at… Continue Reading

About Paula
Raven Shaman
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