Nothing else mattered, but LOVE

UNTIL IT DID. This is gonna trigger some people….Just a warning up front. I’ve always had a problem with exclusion. Being raised Catholic, I was always questioning all of the “rules”. I think the nuns were frequently frustrated with me. We were taught that we were the only religion that was allowed into heaven. For… Continue Reading

What a difference a year makes

Which, perhaps, is possibly one of the biggest understatements I’ve ever written. A little over a year ago, I was deep in the narrative. Even though, on several different occasions I had gone down what I considered deep rabbit holes. And, I was definitely a Karen, not a full blown one, but a Karen non-the-less.… Continue Reading

Soul Path

How does one know – like REALLY KNOW – when one has found their soul path? I will tell you how I know, or knew. I, like a plethora of my friends, was a complete Trump hater. Everything about who he was and stood for. I even avoided family and friends who were supporters. How… Continue Reading

Dreaming of a place

Dreaming of a place….with BIG expansive views, at least two acres, a barn, with room to have a studio to have a variety of workshops, room for critters, open kitchen for entertaining, and a great bathtub…with windows to see outside……..oh, and a wood burning stove… I want to share a story about this painting that… Continue Reading

I asked for help…

And, it wasn’t easy. This past week was a lesson learning/tweaking week – which translates to….OMG, SERIOUSLY???? WTF!!! Initially, with each lesson I went to my pity party/woe is me/blah, blah, blah, and yada space. But, with all of the energies that are here to support us through this time…each time, but one, I was… Continue Reading

About Paula
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